Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant Supplement – 100% Spore-Based Digestive and Immune Support – Gluten Free, 30 Caps

(6 customer reviews)



  • 1000X Better Survivability: Just Thrive Probiotic’s spore-based formula survives the stomach environment 100% intact, providing you with unmatched digestive and immune support. This supplement is verified to help reduce gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.
  • Delivers Beneficial Antioxidants: Features Bacillus indicus HU36 – a proprietary probiotic strain that produces antioxidants directly in your gut – where your body can absorb them best. It turns your gut into a natural antioxidant factory that can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress and support beneficial bacteria.
  • Spores Support Immune and Digestive Health: Most probiotic products fail to survive and reach the gut. The spores in Just Thrive Probiotic have enhanced digestive and immune health for over 50 years because they reach the gut alive. Spores increase your gut’s microbial diversity for benefits that include encouraging stable immune activity, regulating bowel movements, and restoring gut function.
  • Vegan, Paleo, and Keto-Friendly: Ingredients matter. That’s why Just Thrive Probiotic has a natural, non-GMO formula. This supplement is free of soy, dairy, sugar, salt, corn, tree nuts, and gluten, making it a vegan, paleo, and keto-friendly probiotic.
  • Our Quality Promise: Just Thrive is passionate about good health, and we ensure the integrity and quality of our products. We believe that everyone – including your pet – deserves access to effective, top-quality supplements and the opportunity to not just feel good, but to thrive!


Additional information

Is Discontinued By Manufacturer


Product Dimensions

2.25 x 2.5 x 4.3 inches, 1.4 ounces

Date First Available

March 4, 2014


Just Thrive

6 reviews for Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant Supplement – 100% Spore-Based Digestive and Immune Support – Gluten Free, 30 Caps

  1. Jordan Castillo

    I was one of those people who was just taking a probiotic because everyone says you’re supposed to and its great for your gut health. When I decided to get off birth control it is recommended to take a good probiotic and vitamins. So when doing research I found JustThrive and thought this would give me the better results for my situation. Ive been taking it for almost a month and I can’t say I’ve felt much of a difference than a previous probiotic I used to take. I would also like to note though, I haven’t taken any kind of probiotic for at least 6 months before I started this one and I also do not always take this with my largest meal. I also haven’t experienced any negative side effects from this probiotic either. I will continue to take this for at least another month as directed (with my largest meal), to see if I start to feel/see a difference.

  2. Yasmin Adawi

    This is the best probiotic! These capsules are very effective!


    Here is my wife’s experience as she tells it:

    I have had severe asthma not long after birth accompanied by childhood eczema, teen acne, and many intestinal issues which I was always sure were connected. I have seen many doctors and have tried so many natural and conventional treatments with very little relief. At times I have been bedridden for months. Then I caved in and started taking Advair which has kept me functional for the last 5 years. I have been off of processed foods and industrial sugars for 9 months with some improvement. I successfully weaned myself off of my corticosteroid inhaler exactly one month ago by incorporating Weston A Price dietary principles. Their website is where I listened to the best podcast I have ever heard. It was given by Kiran Krishnan, one of the makers of this probiotic regarding the intestinal mucosal layer permeability. That instantly resonated. But I proceeded cautiously due to past disappointments. I now knew healing the gut lining was vital for healing most diseases. This was the puzzle piece I have been missing all along. I spent many hours of many days researching and listening to other presentations of his as well as various published medical studies and Write ups from other medical professionals. So I thought I would try the gaps diet (touted to heal and seal the gut lining) and along with that take this probiotic since taking a good one is part of the protocal.

    Started gaps this Wednesday. Very difficult when you have a physical job due to not having enough energy.

    Thursday I had to take my rescue inhaler 5 times which is a lot for me, I chalked it up to die off reaction. That evening before dinner I received Just Thrive. So discouraged by then, I assumed it wouldn’t have minimal benefit if any. I took it anyway.

    Woke up Friday slightly better. Still a little tight in the chest. Skin looked more vibrant. BM was good but not a complete emptying. My dear mother in law stopped in a remarked that my eyes were sparkling. By nightfall I hadn’t used my inhaler but gave in before bed due to increasing tightness and some wheezing. Decided to put gaps diet on hold but still follow wapf principles.

    Saturday was similar to Friday. I pushed through the wheezing and tightness most of the day and then gave in before bed and took a puff. It is so demoralizing to have to do it.

    Today is Sunday. I woke up this morning with noticibly more energy, no tightness, no wheezing. I felt unusually optimistic about my health and I feel calmer and happier in general. Nightfall came and still no asthma symptoms! I’m telling you, the results so far are beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. That’s why I had to write this on only day 4. I will do a follow up review on day 30 detailing any progress or regression. I honestly don’t anticipate any regression, but you never know.

    For the record, I am a God fearing woman with a lot of faith. I totally believe in the power of prayer. We are wonderfully designed. And I have confidence that the bodies we are given can heal if given the right tools. Of course, I wasn’t expecting a miraculous cure just asked for direction and wisdom to find something better than chemicals to help me breathe and to see that I don’t fall for bad advice. I am sure this is part of the answer to those many prayers and diligent searches.

    Lastly, thank you Kiran and associates for your insight and for making this amazing probiotic available to the masses so afdordably. I will recommend it wholeheartedly. I am a customer for life now! And my husband will soon be too!

    I am happy to answer any question or provide links to the information I mentioned in this review.

    Update: 1.5 months later….Remarkable improvement continues.

    I meant to update this a few weeks ago, sorry for the delay. Thank you for your interest in my story. Happily I am still off Advair (my corticosteroid) and I can go 6 or 7 days without taking my rescue inhaler which means since I began taking these probiotics I have gone from what would be classified as moderate persistent asthma to intermittent asthma (the least intense classification). My main triggers are smoke (including wood smoke), potatoes, and animal dander. I am able to walk several miles briskly and climb many flights of stairs without getting out of breath or needing my inhaler. Since I clean houses for a living, I implemented wearing a medical grade mask when servicing the few homes with pets until either my lungs fully recover, if that is possible, or I replace those clients which I would be sad to do because they are some of my favorites. Let’s see, I am still following wapf dietary guidelines, eating real high quality traditionally prepared foods while avoiding industrialized foods and oils. I’m getting stronger each day for sure. Since neither of us has caught any of the nasty bugs going around among our friends this season, and because of the incredible improvement in my health, my husband and I will definitely stay on Just thrive as long as we can. My mother in-law is also impressed with my progress and has expressed an interest in taking it so I am off to order hers right now.

  4. Marcello

    Wow, I am thrilled by the positive difference this probiotic has made!! I have a gluten problem which really worsened, After a horrific adverse reaction to CIPRO and caused me to wonder if I may have developed Celiac. (I do have the SNP (genetic +/-) for one of the genes) . Cipro injured my muscle-skeletal system, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and disabled me for 4 years, my gut changed too for the worse. I could no longer tolerate Any grains at all, Or black beans, chick peas, pinto beans etc. Being a thin person, this made me appear too thin. Inflammation, pain, misery…..though hungry, somewhat apprehensive about meals becuase of possible discomfort or pain. I eat organic, and no packaged food. Have taken various probiotics over many years and a few were pretty good. BUT with a leaky gut, and sensitivities that had worsened….it has been exhausting, and a struggle to just live without this preoccupation.

    Man what a joy it is to have found Just Thrive! It has only been 5 days and from day (1) I noticed a difference! My abdomen is not swollen or distended, and my energy is better. What a Blessing! I experimented one day by having a organic brown rice protein powder drink. I wondered if I would be able to manage…..so far so good. I will try to add more non gluten foods that have been off limits and see how it goes. This has been a wonderful find and exciting in that the science regarding gut health, microbiome of the gut, immune system are an emerging field with great improvements for all of us searching for nontoxic ways to regain, restore our health, maintain it and prevent illness.
    It has only been 5 days….so I imagine that after an extended period of 90 days that many improvements in my constitution will have improved due to better absorption of nutrients. Will return to post at that time! God Bless the folks behind the product, you have done a wonderful thing.

    Update July 25th 2015:
    Well sorry to say, but the improvements are no longer….instead my GI issues are as “prior to using these strains”. I muscle tested the product a 2nd time to clarify with my kinesiologist and the test revealed that the strain Baccilus Indicus seems to have become an issue where it was Not at first. Why? Do not know, but I will retest & or “revisit this product in 21 days to see if things have changed. It may be the production of quinols that is an issue? I wonder becuase of my adverse reaction and injury from Cirpo which is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. This is speculation and requires research.

    Bacillus Indicus HU36

    Potent immune stimulation
    Produces high levels of carotenoids – lycopene, axtaxanthin, beta-caroten, lutin.
    Produces quinols and vitamins

    Transient strains have about a 21-27 day life cycle in the digestive system. Each individual cell spends about that much time in the gut in various sections and tissues. During their time in the gut, they do attach and colonize.
    They attach, they metabolize, they grow by binary fission and they alter the environment around themselves.

    The strains have the unique ability to exist in various segments of the digestive tract and in various tissues; the mucosa and epithelium.
    So when you consume a capsule, the cells move along through your digestive tract and colonize different locations. Some stay in the upper GI (small bowel), some go on to ascending colon, some to the transverse colon, some to the distal.

  5. m

    I’ve tried other probiotics, but this one actually seems to do the job! After the two week “getting to know my body” period, things really seem to be working well. Bloating is gone. I also started using their prebiotic and it works the same way with the two week period. I can’t believe how regular I am and how flat my stomach is. Thank you for making great products!


    Just Thrive sounded fantastic Expensive but I tried it and had a bad reaction.Body flushing with racing pulse. I suggest if on blood pressure medication or cholesterol tablets be aware that it might interfere with certain meds

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